RPRI (Research Publication Rating and Indexing)

info@rpri.in / chairman-of-board@rpri.in


As millions of research journals and academic publications are available globally, most are genuine but some are misguiding authors regarding the Impact Factor Value, Listing Directories, Indexing Databases, Editorial Board Information, Average Citations, Journal Licencing, ISSN, DOI, etc. For any entry-level researcher, it is very difficult to identify the genuineness and integrity of journal publications. The Research Publication Rating and Indexing (RPRI) performs a 360 degree crystal-clear assessment of journals as per the various parameters and makes the assessment report available publicly.

The RPRI involves an international board of experts from various disciplines globally that assesses research and academic publications and rates them. The RPRI journal assessment and rating is a transparent and globally trusted assessment and rating process. The RPRI also provides an international platform that provides aggregated and validated information regarding many research and academic publications. The RPRI Journal Assessment and Rating Board assess the journal quality from various parameters. The assessment is for 150 points on which basis the board decide the rating of the journal as journal RPRI Impact Factor.

The RPRI Assessment and Rating Board have its own unique, systematic, and scientific way of assessment methodology for the computation of the RPRI Journal Impact Factor. The RPRI Impact Factor (Maximum 10) = RPRI Assessment Marks (Out of 150) / 15.

Criteria 1: Publication and Editorial Quality (50 Marks)
Quality Factor 5 Marks 4 Marks 3 Marks 2 Marks 1 Marks 0 Marks
Starting Year (First Volume) >=5 Years >=4 Years >=3 Years >=2 Years >=1 Years < 1 Years
Editor-in-Chief Qualification PhD + Experience PhD Postgraduation Graduate Diploma Holder Not Graduate
Number of Managing Editors >=10 >=8 >=6 >=4 >=2 =1
Number of Editorial Board Members >=50 >=40 >=30 >=20 >=10 <10
Editorial Board Members with PhD >=25 >=20 >=15 >=10 >=5 <5
Number of Reviewers >=100 >=80 >=60 >=40 >=20 <20
Representation From Countries >=10 >=8 >=6 >=4 >=2 =1
Website Appearance Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor Not Appeared
Information Clarity Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor Not Available
Information Integrity Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor Not Available

Criteria 2: Scientific Quality (70 Marks)
Quality Factor 5 Marks 4 Marks 3 Marks 2 Marks 1 Marks 0 Marks
Articles Published (Last Year) >=500 >=400 >=300 >=200 >=100 <100
Journal Indexing >=10 >=8 >=6 >=4 >=2 Not Available
Type of Access Open Access CC BY OA CC BY-ND OA CC BY-NC-ND Hybrid Access Subscription Closed
Paper Format Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor Not Available
Paper Editing Quality Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor Not Available
Plagiarism % (Sample 10 Articles) <=5 <=10 <=15 <=20 <=25 >25
Average Citation (Sample 10 Articles) >=10 >=8 >=6 >=4 >=2 Not Available
Citation Indexing Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor Not Available
Articles on Recent Trends Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor Not Available
Articles from Countries >=20 >=15 >=10 >=5 >=2 =1
Impact Factor Value (International) >=10 >=8 >=6 >=4 >=2 Not Available
Impact Factor Value (National) >=10 >=8 >=6 >=4 >=2 Not Available
Peer-Reviewed Triple Anonymous Double Anonymous Single Anonymous Open Post Publication Not Available
Digital Object Identifier Number Compulsory to All On-Demand - - - No

Criteria 3: Services (30 Marks)
Quality Factor 5 Marks 4 Marks 3 Marks 2 Marks 1 Marks 0 Marks
Author Feedback Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor Not Available
Paper Submission Process Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor Not Available
Research Platform Presence Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor Not Available
Acceptance Duration <=1 Month <=3 Months <=6 Months <=1 Year >1 Year Not Defined
Quality-Price Ratio Very High High Moderate Less Poor Not Available
Email Communication Excellent Very Good Good Average Poor Not Available

Total RPRI Assessment Marks = Criteria 1 + Criteria 2 + Criteria 3
RPRI Journal Impact Factor (Max 10) = Total RPRI Assessment Marks / 15

Sample Certificate