RPRI (Research Publication Rating and Indexing)

info@rpri.in / chairman-of-board@rpri.in


The Research Publication Rating and Indexing (RPRI) is an international board of experts from various disciplines globally that assesses research and academic publications and rates them. The RPRI journal assessment and rating is a transparent and globally trusted assessment and rating process. The RPRI also provides an international platform that provides aggregated and validated information regarding many research and academic publications. The RPRI Journal Assessment and Rating Board assess the journal quality from various parameters. The assessment is for 100 points on which base the board rate the journal as RPRI Impact Factor. the RPRI Assessment and Rating Board have its own assessment methodology for the calculation of the RPRI Journal Impact Factor, it is available on the website. The RPRI is a single platform that includes the aggregated information of thousands of journal publications. The RPRI is a trusted platform for searching and recognizing good quality journals for research paper publication as per various parameters and requirements, nowadays many researchers are using our journal searching facility for searching and recognising desirable and suitable journal publications. Therefore, to get an assessment of your journal by our board and to make your journal publication visible on our dashboard, please submit the following form to make us information available.

Before you start the application process, you are requested to read Guide for Applying section to understand the journal inclusion criteria and application process. You are also requested to review the Journal Assessment and Rating Methodology.

Journal Information Form