RPRI (Research Publication Rating and Indexing)

info@rpri.in / chairman-of-board@rpri.in


RPRI relies on the support of publishers and libraries to ensure that its metadata and services remain free for all. The publishers on this page have chosen to show their commitment to quality, peer-reviewed open access by supporting RPRI. We thank them, as our work would not be possible without them.

Journal Master List

1. Publisher logo on the RPRI website.
2. A post from all our social media platforms (LinkedIn, Instagram, Twitter, Facebook, YouTube) acknowledging your organisation as a supporter.
3. A blog post at the start of the year introducing our new supporters.
4. Permission to use our name and logo on your website.
5. Special guidance for the operations and quality improvement of your journal.
6. For supporters from Bands A-E or those contributing over the suggested amounts, a personal RPRI contact to whom all enquiries regarding your applications and updates can be directed.

Article Master List

We are introducing first simplified model for publishers to support RPRI for 2024 and publishing this openly in line with our commitment to the Principles of Open Scholarly Infrastructure. We are also relaunching the set of benefits for publishers choosing to support us.

We only accept support from publisher with journals already indexed in RPRI. Non-commercial/ institutional rates are only available to community-led, smaller publishers with limited funding.

Contact us if you are unsure which category applies or if you want to discuss ways of further contributing to RPRI’s operating costs.

Indexed Journals


The journal assessment typically refers to the process of evaluating and analyzing scholarly journals to determine their quality, impact, and relevance in a particular field of study. This assessment is crucial for researchers, academics, and institutions to make informed decisions about where to publish their work or which journals to use as references. The RPRI provides free-of-charge journal impact factor and making easy for authors to recognise the journal quality.
Anyone can apply or suggest the journal for assessment and rating. The free-of-charge service takes 4-6 months to process as many journals applying.


As millions of journals are available globally, most are genuine but some are misguiding authors regarding the journal quality. For any entry-level researcher, it is very difficult to identify the genuineness and integrity of journals. The RPRI providing a list of assessed journals as per rating with detailed information. The RPRI Journal Search Tool provides a free-of-charge service to researchers/ authors for finding journals and recognising their quality.
Many researchers are using RPRI Search Tool for selecting journals hence for getting more research paper submissions it is important for journal publications to be listed on our web portal.


The RPRI operates in an open-access mode, i.e. it provides all the services free of charge. The open-access business model does not rely on end-users paying subscription fees to access services.
Here, we are charging the journal publishers for fast service of journal assessment and rating. We never accept any charge to operate journal assessment and rating, or any other malpractice. We hereby request journal publishers not ask for any such malpractice otherwise we will take judicial action against it..